• The Dreaded Chicken Wing

    When a golfer’s left elbow buckles outward (toward the target) after impact, the result is a “chicken wing.” Because the swing arc is narrowed and the clubface open, shots typically fly short and…

  • Perfecting Your Chip Shot

    When it comes to perfecting your chip shot, I see it all the time with players who come to me for golf lessons. Players don’t progress fast enough and they get discouraged. They…

  • Get Dynamic For More Distance

    Golfers are a demanding lot. We all want more distance in our drives. (Who wouldn’t want to step up to the tee and belt a 300-yard drive?) We want pinpoint accuracy, so we…

  • The Art of Putting

    Follow These Steps To Find The Cup More Often There are many factors to consider while putting on the greens. Is my putt uphill or downhill? How fast are the greens? How much…

  • Theory of The Natural Golf Swing

    This is the first in a series of articles on the natural golf swing, an alternate theory of hitting a golf ball. Once a month we will review different aspects of the natural…